With more than forty experimentally synthesized members, and thousands...

The aim of the EMPEROR project is to realize a new class of advanced...

METASPIN is a project funded by the Pathfinder program of the European...

Alessandro Molle , from CNR-IMM, PI of the project and already ERC grantee...

In our brain, close range interactions among electrically active neurons builds up a collective input-specific response to external stimuli able to trigger efficient cognitive tasks, like classification, decision-making and perception. In the same way, interacting nano-oscillators will be used to build a non-linear dynamical system capable of collective evolution, criticality and chaotic behavior as a basis for artificial computing machines and autonomous systems .

Neural processing in the nervous system occurs naturally over multiple...

https://neurotechai.eu/ NEUROTECH - Neuromorphic Computing Technology (NCT...

SKYTOP (Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology) is...

The XFab Project arises from an ERC CoG 2017 grant to Alessandro Molle . X...

Bando di riferimento : Accordo Quadro tra CNR e Regione Lombardia...

CrystEL is a project founded by the joint call of the Fondazione CARIPLO...

SPAM 3 is a biennial national project developed at the MDM National...