The 5th edition of the international DSA symposium will be organized in Milan, Oct. 14-18, 2019. Directed Self-Assembly (DSA) is rapidly advancing as a potential patterning solution for advanced lithography. Nevertheless, several outstanding issues need to be resolved before the technique can find its way into mainstream application. The symposium is expected to define a platform for the discussion of the main challenges in this research field bringing together scientists, engineers and students working on all the aspects of directed self assembly of block copolymers, from fundamental physics and chemistry issues to the final application for the fabrication of functional devices. For this reason we expect a mix of industrial and academic contributions, to tackle practical as well as basic aspects of this novel technology.
We encourage you to be a part of this important event aiming at opening new perspectives for this interesting research field. Please consider submitting your abstract during the submission period, and plan on joining us in Milan. Deadline for abstract submission is June 15, 2019.