Optimizing spin-charge conversion (SCC) processes operating at room temperature, is crucial to develop novel spintronic devices to shape the future of more-efficient and lower-power consuming nanoelectronics. The first studies concerning SCC-based electronic devices were focused on the coupling between ferromagnetic (FM) materials and heavy metals (i.e., Pt, Pd, and Ta). The interest is gradually shifting to alternative spin-charge converters such as topological insulators, Weyl semimetals,transition metal dichalcogenides,2-D materials, antiferromagnets, and 2-D electron gases, with the general aim of enhancing the SCC efficiency.
Thanks to the joint efforts with the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden leaded by Prof. Claudia Felser, we present a newcomer in the family of super-efficient spin-charge converters: the half-metallic half-Heusler compound MnPtSb. By using spin pumping ferromagnetic resonance (SP-FMR), we observe a remarkable MnPtSb' thickness-dependent SCC in Co/MnPtSb heterostructures produced my magnetron sputtering. This clearly demonstrates the interfacial origin of the conversion that, when interpreted within the inverse Edelstein effect (IEE), leads to the record conversion efficiency of λIEE≈3 nm, as measureed at room temperature in the ultrathin MnPtSb regime of 1 nm.
The still never explored ultrathin regime of the MnPtSb films, and the discovery of their outstanding functionality are two ingredients that demonstrate the potentiality of such materials for future applications in spintronics.
Please find all details at our recently published paper at Advanced Functional Materials.
For any enquireies you can contact Dr. Roberto Mantovan